During the begining of November, the researchers of the Smartlet project, Sergio Serrano-Iglesias and Alejandro Ortega-Arranz, attended to a workshop about Internet of Things (IoT) architectures and technologies, held at the University of Valladolid, Spain. The workshop was provided by Dr. Ramón Sanchez Iborra from University of Murcia, Spain. In the first day of the workshop, the researchers learned and discussed about theoretical concepts, IoT devices, protocols, technologies, tools and use cases currently used in research. In the second day, the researchers programmed an Arduino device with several sensors and actuators, and connected it to the Thinger.io IoT platform. The platform allowed the researchers to monitor different measurements coming from the sensors and to interact with the actuators when the predefined set conditions were fulfilled. Hopefully, they will be able to implement such knowledge in the Smartlet project 🙂