Sergio Serrano-Iglesias, researcher from the GSIC/EMIC research group, attended the 5th International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2019) held in Denton, Texas (USA) fron 18th to 20th of March 2019. At the event, Sergio participated in the poster session presenting the advances of his work, title “Towards the Enactment of Learning Situations Connecting Formal and Non-Formal Learning in SLEs“. In this work, it is proposed an architecture that, based on the learning designs of the teachers, supports students during the enactment of the learning activities by recommending resources in their daily lifes that are related with the goals and contents of the formal learning.
Serrano-Iglesias, S., Bote-Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez-Sánchez, E., Asensio-Pérez, J.I., Vega-Gorgojo, G., (2019) Towards the Enactment of Learning Situations Connecting Formal and Non-Formal Learning in SLEs, Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE), Denton, TX, USA,187-190.