René Lobo & Eyad Hakami, UPF TIDE PhD candidates, candidates, will participate in LASI Spain, presenting the papers:
Lobo, R., Ortega-Arranz, A., Hernandez-Leo, D. (2020). Towards rewards-based gamification in Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns based on learning analytics. In: Proceedings of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2020: Learning Analytics: Time for adoption?, Valladolid, June 15-16 2020.
Hakami, E., Hernandez-Leo, D. (2020). How are Learning Analytics Considering the Societal Values of Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Human Well-being? – A Literature Review. In: Proceedings of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2020: Learning Analytics: Time for adoption?, Valladolid, June 15-16 2020.